Archive April 3, 2020

Month End Update: March

It has been a stressful month at Auburn Hunger Task Force.

But as always during difficult times, so many kind Helpers have emerged. The number of guests we serve spiked this month, with a total of 295 meals served during March. Comparatively, AHTF served 115 meals in January and 176 meals in February. 

But at a time when our community is expressing it’s biggest need for access to food, many generous local food providers have stepped forward to donate food and supplies. Thank you to Dunkin Donuts, Denny’s, KFC, Owen’s Orchards, an individual supporter of Silver Tree Forest Farm CSA, and a few very special community members. Their gifts of food and kitchen supplies have enabled us to increase our meal sizes to accommodate extra families in need.

Generous cash donations were also received this month from Westminster Church, Parker’s Express LLC, and St. Luke’s United Church of Christ. Cash donations help us prepare for future meals and more confidently extend our meal program reach when necessary.

Local entertainer Vin Gleason of Gift Entertainment contributed to the #AuburnStrong campaign by producing a series of video shorts and live music in order to raise public awareness about the Auburn Hunger Task Force. His efforts have greatly increased our membership levels on social media, and our community visibility. You can find his videos on Facebook, at “Auburn Hunger Task Force, Inc”

This month we received our Letter of Determination as a federally tax-exempt 501(c)3 charitable nonprofit through the IRS. This means that we will now be able to apply for foundation grants and community sponsorship from local and national retailers. This is a huge step forward towards our mission of ending hunger within Cayuga County!

Auburn Hunger Task Force is also now recognized as a Bronze-level organization on Guidestar, a national nonprofit database. After a short processing delay, you should soon be able to designate Auburn Hunger Task Force as your charity of choice at both Amazon Smile and Facebook Fundraising. More information will be available soon.

Our Treasurer recently gave notice that she would be unable to continue to serve as an officer and member of the board of directors. We thank her truly for her excellent record-keeping skills and assistance with the birth of the Auburn Hunger Task Force. Graciously, she has offered to continue to serve the community as a kitchen volunteer during meal services. Individuals interested in applying for the Treasurer vacancy may submit a cover letter and resume to, subject line: TREASURER. 

COVID-19 UPDATE: Our Monday meal services are now following strict social distancing guidelines, with meals pre-bagged and available as carryout at the door. One guest indoors at a time, please. If you also require a monthly food box from Calvary Food Pantry, please call ahead to register: (315) 255 – 7772

Volunteers have been extensively sanitizing all surfaces and supplies within our kitchen, and are protecting ourselves, our families, and our guests by wearing face masks and gloves. Masks have been sewn and donated by Susan Marteney

Most free meal services within Auburn continue to remain open during the Coronavirus crisis, with the following amendments;

Holy Family Church has discontinued their Tuesday lunch program. Knights of Columbus (47 Market St, Auburn) will continue to serve their Tuesday dinner until April 30th. After April 30th, the Tuesday lunch will then be served by Auburn Hunger Task Force, located at Calvary Food Pantry (90 Franklin St., Auburn). 

How You Can Help:

Please make a cash donation. The number of families within our community who are struggling to find food during the COVID-19 crisis is exploding. Cash donations help us purchase food and carry-out supplies so we can gift families with nutritious meals + a few small extras in order to help guests stretch each meal as far possible. 

Paypal: donations may be made to:



Checks: may be made payable to “Auburn Hunger Task Force” and can by mailed to:
9 Baker Ave
Auburn, NY 13021

Thank you to all local businesses and community supporters who are committed to ending hunger within our community. Your assistance during the challenges of the past month has meant more than ever.